Bubble Blowers – Creative, Economical and Fun!

When you make your own bubbles it can be a fun activity for you and your children.  So what about some creative blowers besides the ones that come with commercial bubbles.  They work, but there are so many other ways you can send those bubbles into the air.  Here are some cost effective suggestions:

Soft Drink Holderplasitc holder

Dip a plastic six-pack drink holder into the bubble solution and twirl it around.


Tape four to six straws together.  Dip one end and blow through the other end.

Pipe Cleaners

To create a DIY-Bubble-Wands1bubble wand take one end of a pipe cleaner and bend it to form a circle approximately the size of a quarter or any size you desire.  Twist it together tightly so it stays locked in place.  This is a fun activity where you children can make their own wands.  Let them be creative, check to ensure they are together tightly and let the fun begin!!

Paper Cup

Cut a hole in the bottom of a paper cup.  Dip the larger end into the bubble solution and blow through the hole.


Bend a piece of wire into a loop.  (Be sure to cover any sharp edge with masking tape) Let your children dip the loop into the bubble solution and blow.


wire bubble wand


Help for Emotional Distress following Mass Violence

After a mass violence incident people may have feelings of helplessness, fear, concern, or confusion.  With all the social media, events may impact us, even when we have no personal connections to the event.  Our reactions and discussions can affect the children around us. So what do we do?

People dealing with emotional distress from the Orlando shooting or any other disaster are encouraged to use the Disaster Distress Helpline.

 From the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA):

 “Call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 for support and counseling. The Disaster Distress Helpline is a national hotline that provides 24/7, year-round crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster.”

 This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Spanish-speakers should text Hablanos to 66746. English speakers in U.S. territories text TalkWithUs to 1-212-461-4635. Calls and texts are answered by trained, caring counselors from crisis call centers located throughout the United States.”

Incidents of Mass Violence (SAMHSA): http://1.usa.gov/1U3QJ3n


Let’s Go Play!

Play is important for all ages of development.  So, what type of play is there?

Four Main Types of Play

  • Active, physical – increases muscle strength and coordination.
  • Manipulative, creative – good for practicing eye-hand coordination; gives opportunity to express ideas, use initiative, solve problems, and make decisions.
  • Imitative, imaginative – encourages emotional expression; helps child understand others and himself; lets child practice different ways of behaving.
  • Social – provides ways for learning about how to get along with others, fair play, sharing, and friendship.

Play is important during the preschool years. You may notice your child talking to a doll or favorite stuffed animal as though it were real.  Imaginary friends often appear now.  You may overhear very detailed conversations between your child and his imaginary friend.

This pretend play helps children deal with their emotions.  It helps develop emotional stability.  Children who play make-believe games can handle frustration better.  They are also less aggressive and get along better with others.

Parent can encourage imaginary play.  When your child wants to “feed” his teddy bear, play along and set a place at the table for his special friend.  Often, you will not need to actively participate in make-believe play, but avoid criticism.  Allow your child the freedom to create his own imaginary world for learning.




“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.”

-Lou Holtz

Fitness Fun to Keep the Young Ones Moving!

In this day and age, it is vital that we use our bodies to the best of our abilities. Energy, balance and tranquility all come from an active and moving body. Our generation is filled with tailor-made, easy way out mechanisms that trap us into doing what is effortless, leading our capabilities astray on the path towards apathy and laziness. No matter what age, fitness is fun and can be performed in numerous ways. Listed below are ways to get you and your young ones physically flowing and streaming in order to revitalize your mind, bodies and souls!

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  • Hula Hooping
  • Yoga…reach to the stars!
  • Playing games such as “Duck, Duck, Goose” or “Follow the Leader”
  • Kicking or throwing a ball back and forth
  • Taking a walk after a big, nutritious meal
  • Setting up your own “Olympic Games” at the playground
  • Turn up the music and DANCE!

Keep your eyes on the prize….a healthy, happy wholesome life all because you put one foot in front of the other.


Activities in ACTION!

I went out to a local childcare facility and helped the children make Father’s Day cards. They painted a message inside with marshmallows and edible paint. Not only were they happy about being able to eat the paint, but being able to give this to their father figure when they were done was very exciting!!

See previous blogs for directions. 

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A Healthy Frozen Treat to Beat the Heat

Have you tried a new recipe lately?

This recipe featured on The Brunswick News (July 15, 2014) by Alison Ladman, goes through a messy process, but the simple steps and scrumptious result do not disappoint, especially for an amateur cook like me!

Frozen Chocolate Granola Bananas (dried cranberries in substitution for granola)

Frozen Chocolate Granola Bananas (dried cranberries in substitution for granola)

Yum!!!!! To read the recipe, follow the link: 



A Day for Dads

Thank you to all the MEN who stepped up to be DADS :)

Thank you to all the MEN who stepped up to be DADS 🙂

Men that have chosen the child care profession can be great role model for children, especially for those that may not have a dad at home. For the military children they may have their dad deployed and you may be the only man they have in their life. Thanks to all the men that have chosen to be child care professionals. We applaud you.


Never Too Old to Make Art For Caregivers

The first Saturday of May was the Super Saturday for child care providers, held at Savannah Technical College. I volunteered for this event and took a few classes. The last class was very hands-on. It was called “I Made it Myself,” lead by Cynthia Washington-Bell. In that class, we experienced making art activities that caregivers can make with children as young as toddlers.


One of the artworks we made, was creating art with contact paper. Contact papers are those sticky translucent sheets that come in rolls. We can put tissue paper, parchment paper, construction paper, and other types of paper in between a fold of contact papers. The result? An artwork that I gave my very special caregiver!
