Fall Activities!!!

Fall can be considered one of the most beautiful seasons of the year! This time of year can also bring about many fun “DIY” (do it yourself) projects for your home, school, and as a way to spend time with your family.  Here are a few fun things that can be done as a Childcare provider and a parent:

  • Make Apple Prints
  • Jump into a pile of freshly raked leaves
  • Pick out different leaves to make a Leaf Portrait
  • Decor for your home, hollow out pumpkins to make Candles
  • Take Family pictures! Find an area filled with big trees and nice colorful leaves for a fun background.



Visit Today’s Parent website to find more Family Fun activities!!


Activities in ACTION!

I went out to a local childcare facility and helped the children make Father’s Day cards. They painted a message inside with marshmallows and edible paint. Not only were they happy about being able to eat the paint, but being able to give this to their father figure when they were done was very exciting!!

See previous blogs for directions. 

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Safety Tips during Summer Break

It’s summer officially, the school bell rung already. The kids are out for school for summer break. We can make it fun and safe. Summer is fun, because it’s time to go outside and play, but parents should also know that there are some potential dangers in this season. There are some safety measures to take during this exciting season for the kids and for all; the kids want to be in the pool, at the playground, ride bicycles, taking a walk, and many more. Therefore, adult supervision is necessary all the time, don’t forget the following when the kids are playing either indoor or outdoor;

  • Wear helmet whenever on the wheels, elbow pads and knee pads are necessary for some wheel activities, these can prevent children from serious injuries.
  • Keep the family hydrated; always go out with a cooler of drinks, especially if you will stay long outside.
  • On the go healthy snacks.
  • Wear insect repellant to protect yourself against insect bites.
  • Always put on protective clothing; long sleeves, long pants, tucking pants into socks.

Minimize time spent in the sun, especially during the tip hours of 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.   Play in the shade if you’re going to be outside for a long time.

  • Encourage children to walk, not run, across the street and use the pedestrian walkway where available.
  • Practice “touch supervision” (a term used by the American Academy of Pediatrics). This is when an adult is at an arm’s length reach to the child being watched in the water.

In conclusion, all families should have stocked first aid kits readily accessible in case of emergencies. More so, keep one in the car and one on the go, remember to restock the kits whenever used.

Have fun, be safe.

Summer Safety Tips



Here’s a simple, affordable, and original card for that special man in your life! It doesn’t take much, and what better gift than a gift made by the hands of children.

Add a special touch and decorate the tie. Try stripes, dots, finger prints, or anything to make it even more special and original. Allow the kids to use their imagination and express their creativity.


Necktie Card


Early Years are Learning Years – Extension Celebrates National Week of the Young Child


Ryleigh getting ready to play.    Play is children’s work!!

Week of the Young Child

  Everyday is a day to celebrate young children.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children has designated April 12-18, 2015 as Week of the Young Child.  The have many suggestions for activities that could be used to help celebrate this special week or you could use them anytime during the year.  From Music Monday to Family Friday, there is something for everyone.  Visit NAEYC’s website to learn more.

*  Music Monday

*  Taco Tuesday

*  Work Together Wednesday

*  Artsy Thursday

*  Family Friday


“The early years are critical for learning and development,” said Rhian Evans Allvin, NAEYC’s Executive Director. “NAEYC seeks to help centers and professionals provide high quality early childhood education environments for our children. This year’s Week of the Young Child themes are a starting point for those who spend time with young children. We should celebrate these sorts of activities and learning every day of the year.”


Easter Egg Fun with Natural Dyes

dyed eggs

Today is Good Friday and many people are preparing to celebrate Easter.  One of the fun parts of Easter for children is dying eggs.  There are commercial egg dyes available, but have you ever tried to color your eggs using food items?  I did this with some of my employees and they were amazed at the colors and technique.  So here is some suggestion for dyeing this years’ eggs.   Please share your pictures or other ideas.  Remember to keep eggs refrigerated for food safety, do not use them for your egg hunt.  They should not be kept out of refrigeration for more than 2 hours.  Plastics are much more safe and you can eat the ones you dyed.  Have fun while exploring.

Eggs simmered in water to cover for 15 minutes with 1 tablespoons of white vinegar for each cup of water with your choice of one of the materials below will produce a shade of the color shown.  Use your own judgment about quantities..  This is art – not a science so, explore and see what wonderful colors you discover using some commonly found items.

Fresh beets, cranberries or radishes or frozen raspberries Pinkish red
Yellow onion skins Orange
Orange or lemon peels, carrot tops, celery seed or ground cumin Delicate Yellow
Ground turmeric Yellow
Spinach leaves Pale green
Yellow Delicious apple peels Green-gold
Canned blueberries or red cabbage leaves Blue
Strong brewed coffee Beige to brown
Dill seeds Brown-gold
Chili powder Brown-orange
Purple or red grape juice or beet juice Grey
Be Creative with Natural Dyes

Be Creative with Natural Dyes


Halloween Bubble Wrap Stamping

Looking for a fun, inexpensive way to make some Oct. decorations?   Halloween Bubble Wrap Stamping may be a great idea for you and your children.  The one thing I like about this type of activity is there is no right or wrong way for a child to be creative.   Let them be come up with their own designs.  Great for small motor skills and sensory activities.  Depending on the age of the child, if they cannot cut you can pre-make some of the items.  Keep in mind the age you are working with and make sure activities are developmentally appropriate. For more information on how to create with bubble wrap view:

Halloween Bubble Wrap Stamping

Of course you would not have to limit this to October and Halloween, the possibilities are endless for using this medium throughout the year.  I actually was looking for new ideas and came across this on the Kix website.  I spent quite a bit of time becoming familiar with the website and could not wait to share it with you.  I do not endorse any specific products on this blog, but it is has a plethora of wonderful resource for ideas.  There are enough things to keep you busy all month.  So check out KIX, if you look under Get Inspired you will find ideas, crafts and recipes.  I would encourage you to bookmark it, I did!



Oct. Events in Coastal Georgia

Planning some time with your family and friends is a great way to spend a fall day.  The weather in South Georgia is just starting to cool down a little.  If you are looking for a fun way to celebrate Fall…bring your family to 19th Annual Fall Garden Festival, in Savannah, GA

   fall festival 

9AM to 4PM


For more information visit:  Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens at the Historic Bamboo Farm
