How is my Preschooler Developing Physically?

Now that preschoolers have accomplished the skills of walking, running and jumping, they are ready for more physical feats.  Young children gain a great sense of confidence by being able to use their strength and power.

We help the children to gain more physical skills by:

  • Supporting their healthy risk taking, such as climbing higher than before, rolling down hills, or carrying a pitcher of water.  Teachers stay close by to help them feel safe.
  • Reminding children of safety rules and helping them to prevent disasters.  Teachers might say “clear a path for your race before you begin to run.”
  • Playing movement games such as “Bluebird, Bluebird, Through My Window,” a marching parade, or the “Hokey Pokey.”
  • Providing writing utensils, paint brushes, clay and play dough to allow children to build the muscles that control their fingers.
  • Playing outdoors a lot.  Swings, slides, tunnels, tricycles, and climbers give children the chance to practice moving their feet alternately, climbing steps, pedaling, walking and running.

We do not play many competitive games at this age.  These games can damage self-confidence.  Losing often can stop preschoolers from wanting to try new things.  They are more interested in being a friend than being better than a friend.  As they reach school-age, many children become more interested in and better able to handle competitive sports.

Please feel free to share on the blog any ideas you have on encouraging physical development and activities others may be interested in.  We want to hear from you.