March is National Nutrition Month (R)

“Put Your Best Fork Forward” is the theme for this year’s National Nutrition Month (R). This campaign is created annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and focuses on making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.  Making small changes add up to improving health now and in the future. The earlier we start working with children and nutrition, the more likely they are to continue their knowledge into adulthood.  Nutrition can be associated with every area of your center.

This month all posts will be nutrition related.  Please feel free to share your ideas too.





How do you reward your children?

It has become a common practice for parents, teachers, and child care providers to reward children with candy. Sweet treats are inexpensive, convenient, and enjoyable by children. However, providing children with treats to award certain behaviors leads to negative outcomes. It is important for kids to realize that food is consumed in order to fuel the body, providing the energy needed to play and excel in school. Children tend to fail to make this crucial connection when food is given as a reward. Additionally, rewarding children with food often leads to them consuming foods with no nutritional value, like candy bars. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provides a list of ideas for non-food rewards, including:

  • Stickers
  • Play date with friends
  • Sleepover with friends
  • Special time with parents or grandparents
  • Sitting at the head of the table for dinner
  • Trip to the park, zoo, pool, skating rink, bowling alley or movies
  • Time off from chores
  • More Screen time (computer, tablet, TV, video games)
  • Additional minutes on the cell phone
  • Additional care privileges

Learn more about non-food rewards from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at http://www.eatright.org/resource/health/lifestyle/your-health-and-your-weight/say-yes-to-non-food-rewards.