Celebrate Farm to School Month

There are many events being celebrated in October and among them are National Farm to School Month.  I have just visited the website and I Took the Pledge:  Pledge to take one small step for farm to school this October.  I encourage you to also take the Pledge for your school or center.  This includes a sweepstakes to win support for your activities.  I will be posting some ideas in the next blog for you and encourage visiting the website for more information, great ideas, resources, and ways to get involved.  Healthier schools, children and communities all go hand in hand.  It is those small baby steps that add up to great changes and impact.   Please feel free to share on my blog some of the activities you conduct this month to promote Farm to School in your programs.   I am happy to share photos, activities or your comments so others can get ideas too.  Many of us are looking for ideas and I think when we share with each others we all benefit.

If you are in an urban or a rural community farms still influence us.  It  may be a local farm or farmer that you get your food from or you may purchase items in a local grocery that may be from various states or countries.  Farmers influence our daily lives and the food we eat.  It is surprising sometimes that a child may only know a carrot as the baby carrot we find in many stores and maybe have never seen one grow or the carrot top.  Simple things can make a big difference.  So let’s start celebrating our food!!



The National Farm to School Network (NFSN) is an information, advocacy and networking hub for communities working to bring local food sourcing and food and agriculture education into school systems and early care and education settings.  Visit their website to find out more information, view valuable resources and get involved.