Keeping Cool in Summer Heat

It’s July in Georgia and that means one thing:  HEAT!  In South Georgia, we not only have the high temperatures, but humidity too.  As temperatures are beginning to soar, it is important to remember our body’s fluid needs to prevent dehydration.  When the body’s output of water exceeds its input dehydration can occur.

Children age five and under are extremely susceptible to dehydration or other heat-related illnesses.  Some signs and symptoms to watch for include:

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Stomachache

Fluid Tips for Summer Heat

  1.  Increase fluid intake before, during and after playtime.  When playing in the sun, have a water or juice break every 30 minutes.
  2. Plain, cold water should be the beverage of choice; the body absorbs it quickest.
  3. Encourage children to drink or sip water even when they are not thirsty.
  4. Stay away from caffeinated beverages such as soft drinks and iced tea.  Caffeine is a diuretic, which causes the body to loose more water.

Extra Information for you:

According to the USDA, water is essential for good health. Did you know….Water has a number of functions for our bodies.  The Mayo Clinic says “every system in your body depends on water.”  It regulates body temperature, maintains muscle tone, cushions joints and protects organs and tissues, aids in digestion and removal of waste, helps the kidneys and liver work effectively to metabolize fat, keeps you energized and at peak performance and protects our bones and joints.  Another advantage that readers may like is water helps keep your skin clear and minimizes wrinkling and sagging.  As we age that becomes more of a concern for many of us.  Other advantages water has no calories (simply cutting back on soda is an excellent first step toward weight loss), is naturally low in sodium and has no fat or cholesterol and water is preferred method of hydration.

  1. Keep a refillable water bottle with you. They have the cutest water bottles now; you can even get them monogrammed! You are more likely to refill it, if you have it.
  2. Make water the only choice. Keishon Thomas, UGA Extension Agent in Bibb County stated “My husband and I have made water the only choice in our home a number of times. I stopped purchasing sodas and limited the juice. As if by magic “mom magic,” if you will, water is consumed regularly in large amounts.”
  3. Not crazy about the taste of plain water? Try infused water by adding lemon, limes or in season berries. It’s delicious, beautiful and you are doing your body a favor.

Ideas for Infused Water

Add fruits, herbs or spices to flavor your water.  When using herbs tear the leaves so the flavor will be enhanced.  Try different combinations to see what you prefer.  There are infuser pitchers and bottles available to purchase, but you can just make your own infusion in something you already have.  Here are some idea to get you started…the possibilities of combinations are endless.

Add peeled fruit and other ingredients to a ½ gallon or whole gallon of water.  Leave at least 4 hours or overnight in the refrigerator to let the flavors infuse.  Here’s a few suggestions:

  • Strawberries & Mint Leaves
  • Strawberries & Jalapenos
  • Cucumber & Mint
  • Oranges & Blueberries
  • Ginger & Peaches
  • Watermelon & Basil