Come and Celebrate – My Plate Turns Five

There are many resources available to help promote healthy eating  following the recommendations of My Plate.  Get you children and families involved in promoting healthy eating.  Do some recipe demonstrations and taste testing…get your parents               involved.  Invite a local farmer to your classroom and discussing from Farming to Food on the Table.  Many children have only seen certain items in specific ways, such as baby carrots, how about the roots, stem, where they come from.  There are do many learning opportunities.  They tie it all together with a book and you can have the whole day planned with all activities celebrating the My Plate and food related activities.  From books, to guessing games, to taste testing, the ideas are infinite.  I hope you will share some on your ideas back to our site to share with other.


Downloadable MyPlate Mini Poster is available for printing and using in your classroom.

For More information on MyPlate and resources please visit:


Also celebrate your plate.  Take some pictures and share with us what you are doing in the classroom.