Around the Sand Box

There are many things we can do to create a fun environment using sand, weather inside or outside.  Try some of these ideas and share other things you have found to be effective with children in your care.  Here are a few suggestions to get you started.  Be creative and see how you can make sand time a great learning experience!  Remember to always plan activities around the ages of your children.  Keep safety first!

Sand Play Area

Prehistoric Playtime

In a sandbox, sand table, or wading pool filled with sand:  place plastic dinosaurs, plastic bones, and rocks in various places in the sand.  Make palm trees out of paper towel cardboard and green tissue paper.  Place buckets and shovels in the box and invite children to dig for dinosaurs and bones.

Outer Space and Moon Rock Hunt

Spray paint various sized rocks with silver paint and allow to dry for several days (I would actually wait a week).  You can also use aluminum foil balls.  Hide the silver rocks and plastic stars in the sand.  Let the children go on an adventure to find the items.

Pirate’s Treasure

Hide various pirate-them plastic items in the sand such as gold coins, plastic necklaces, mini treasure chests, large plastic jewels (large enough to prevent choking especially for children 3 and younger).  See what treasures they can find!


Hide bobbers and plastic worms to find…..no hooks please.

To extend these activities read a book about dinosaurs, space, the moon, astronauts, pirates or fishing.  Let the children discuss what they found and about their sand box adventures.






Nutritious and Delicious

At times it may seem almost impossible to get children to try vegetables. Try to incorporate vegetables through creating exciting new recipes, such as Smiling Burrito Man below!Burrito Man Recipe Flyer

Handout created by Susannah Brewton and recipe adapted from “How to Teach Nutrition to Kids.”